Business first.
Next year, the art department in my district is going to transition to OTES by creating Student Learning Objectives for visual arts. My colleague and I spent a few PD days working on some ideas. We are slowly going to transition by creating just one SLO for one class in one grade level. This may sound simple, and I believe that it will be, but first, we must be able to generate baseline data from that one class to create a successful SLO that will show genuine growth from our students. I have a lot of ideas which I will continue to share throughout the summer and beyond.
Along with the SLO's in visual arts, It will be my job to help the grade level teachers incorporate some of the common core standards that address technology into their curriculum. I am blessed with having many tech savvy teachers in my building that are both willing to learn and also like to think outside of the box like myself. Our first thoughts are to look towards interactive writing portfolios for the 3rd and 4th grades, but we will continue to discuss this over the summer to create some really interesting things for the kids to do during the school year. More posts about that a certain to follow.
Now, on to my personal goals
My wife and I love to garden. Our garden is getting bigger each year and now we are thinking about how we can get the most yield out of our small plots. I am looking into creating an automatic watering system using Arduino micro-controllers and also continuing a woven sapling fence to keep the hordes of rabbits that like to eat our Swiss Chard. Although, we really only plant the Swiss Chard because it looks pretty and it keeps the rabbits from eating the other stuff in the garden. We are also looking into ways to arrange the garden to spend more time in it, like adding a seating arrangement or table where we can eat in the garden from time to time.
I started to replace all of the baseboards, trim, and doors in the house over spring break, but our busy spring schedule kept me from some finishing touches. I hope to get all of that finished up as well. There are lots of other small home improvement projects on my list that I won't bore you with here, but will share from time to time.
My daughter will be attending Kindergarten in the fall, and has a genuine love of books and wants to learn to read like right now, so some of the teachers in my building put together a little kit for me to start that process with her over the summer. I want to capitalize on her intrinsic motivation now so that she enjoys reading as much as I do. I also have several books myself I am hoping to power through this summer. A healthy mix of education-related reading as well as some fun books that have sat on the shelf over the winter. Ella and I will be spending the summer together for the first time (we had to keep her in preschool over the summer last year to save her spot for the school year) and we have a lot of just plain fun written out on our list to accomplish before school begins in the summer and I am looking forward to that the most!
I hope everyone has a nice summer and I look forward to recharging the batteries and getting a head start to the next school year. I'll keep in touch all summer with everyone right here!
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