Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tweeting Art

At the beginning of the school year, one of my goals is to get the students to become more reflective artists and discuss the principles and elements of art to enhance communication skills.  With the amount of time that we don't have available already, I was struggling with a way to get the students to talk more about their art without taking too much class time up.  Being the Art/Technology teacher, I dug deep into my technology tool bag and came up with an idea that will hopefully help me achieve my goal.

My Art Tweet
Twitter is becoming increasingly popular in educational circles.  Teachers are finding ways to incorporate the microblogging platform into their lessons in order to reach and engage students to participate and communicate using 21st century skills that will be beneficial to them in the future.

Twitter gives me just the right amount of characters to have students write about their art.  The 140-character format makes students think carefully about what they would like to tell others about the artwork and the process of creating it.  But, with standard Twitter rules, my elementary students are too young to have their own accounts, so I created one with the handle "MES artbot" and created a "worksheet" that gives students 140 blank spaces to add their art tweet.

After the students are finished with their tweet, I have them paste the half-sheet onto the back of their project.  Once that is done, I go through the projects in the morning and find a project with a great tweet.  Then, I take a pic of the project and post the tweet.  Here is what it looks like:

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